
A dial gauge widget for displaying graphical information.

  • Author(s): Kevin Matocha

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class displayio_dial.Dial(width=100, height=100, padding=12, sweep_angle=90, start_angle=None, clip_needle=False, needle_width=7, needle_color=8912896, limit_rotation=True, value=None, value_font=None, display_value=False, value_color=16711680, value_format_string=':0.0f', min_value=0.0, max_value=100.0, anchor_point=None, anchored_position=None, tick_color=16777215, major_ticks=5, major_tick_stroke=3, major_tick_length=10, major_tick_labels=('0', '25', '50', '75', '100'), minor_ticks=5, minor_tick_stroke=1, minor_tick_length=5, tick_label_font=None, tick_label_color=16777215, rotate_tick_labels=True, tick_label_scale=1.0, background_color=None, value_label_anchor_point=(0.5, - 1.0), value_label_anchor_on_widget=(0.5, 0.5), **kwargs)

A dial widget. The origin is set using x and y.

  • x (int) – pixel position

  • y (int) – pixel position

  • width (int) – requested width, in pixels

  • height (int) – requested height, in pixels

  • padding (int) – keep out padding amount around the border, in pixels, default is 12

  • sweep_angle (float) – dial rotation, in degrees, maximum value is 360 degrees, default is 90 degrees

  • start_angle (float) – starting angle, in degrees. Set to None for symmetry along vertical axis. Vertical is defined as 0 degrees. Negative values are counter-clockwise degrees; positive values are clockwise degrees. Defaults to None.

  • min_value (float) – the minimum value displayed on the dial, default is 0.0

  • max_value (float) – the maximum value displayed the dial, default is 100.0

  • value (float) – the value to display (if None, defaults to min_value)

  • display_value (Boolean) – set True to display a value label on the dial

  • value_font (Font) – the font for the value label, defaults to terminalio.FONT

  • value_color (int) – the color for the value label, defaults to 0xFF0000

  • value_format_string (str) – the format string for displaying the value label (defaults to ‘:0.0f’ to show the value rounded to the nearest whole number)

  • value_label_anchor_point ((float,float)) – anchor point on the label, default value is (0.5, -1.0) where the y-value of -1.0 signifies the text baseline

  • value_label_anchor_point_on_widget ((float,float)) – anchor point on the widget where the label will be placed, default value is (0.5, 0.5)

  • needle_width (int) – requested pixel width of the triangular needle, default = 7

  • needle_color (int) – color value for the needle, defaults to red (0xFF0000)

  • limit_rotation (Boolean) – Set True to limit needle rotation to between the min_value and max_value, set to False for unlimited rotation, default is True

  • tick_color (int) – tick line color (24-bit hex value), defaults to 0xFFFFFF

  • major_ticks (int) – number of major ticks, default = 5

  • major_tick_stroke (int) – major tick line stroke width, in pixels, default = 3

  • major_tick_length (int) – major tick length, in pixels, default = 10

  • major_tick_labels (str) – array of strings for the major tick labels, default is (“0”, “25”, “50”, “75”, “100”)

  • tick_label_scale (float) – the scaling of the tick labels, default = 1.0

  • tick_label_font (Font) – font to be used for major tick labels, default is terminalio.FONT

  • tick_label_color (int) – color for the major tick labels, default is 0xFFFFFF

  • angle_tick_labels (Boolean) – set True to rotate the major tick labels to match the tick angle, default is True

  • minor_ticks (int) – number of minor ticks (per major tick), default = 5

  • minor_tick_stroke (int) – minor tick line stroke width, in pixels, default = 1

  • minor_tick_length (int) – minor tick length, in pixels, default = 5

  • background_color (int) – background color (RGB tuple or 24-bit hex value), set None for transparent, default is None

  • anchor_point ((float,float)) – (X,Y) values from 0.0 to 1.0 to define the dial’s anchor point relative to the dial’s bounding box

  • anchored_position ((int,int)) – (x,y) pixel value for the location of the anchor_point

Simple example of dial and moving needle

See file: examples/displayio_layout_dial_simpletest.py

Diagram of the dial widget with needle in motion.

This is a diagram of a dial widget with the needle moving from its minimum to maximum positions.

Diagram showing the definition of ``start_angle`` and ``sweep_angle``, both are in units of degrees.

Diagram showing the definition of start_angle and sweep_angle, both are in units of degrees.

Diagram showing the defintion of ``min_value`` and ``max_value``.

Diagram showing the defintion of min_value and max_value.

Diagram showing the various parameters for setting the dial labels and major and minor tick marks.

Diagram showing the various parameters for setting the dial labels and major and minor tick marks.

Diagram showing the impact of ``clip_needle`` Boolean value.

Diagram showing the impact of the clip_needle input parameter, with the dial’s boundary shown. For sweep_angle values less than 180 degrees, the needle can protrude a long way from the dial ticks. By setting clip_needle = True, the needle graphic will be clipped at the edge of the dial boundary (see comparison in the graphic above). The left dial is created with clip_needle = False, meaning that the dial is not clipped. The right dial is created with clip_needle = True and the needle is clipped at the edge of the dial. Use additional padding to expose more length of needle, even when clipped.

Create a Group of a given size and scale. Scale is in one dimension. For example, scale=2 leads to a layer’s pixel being 2x2 pixels when in the group.

resize(new_width, new_height)

Resizes the dial dimensions to the maximum size that will fit within the requested bounding box size (new_width, new_height)

  • new_width (int) – requested width, in pixels

  • new_height (int) – requested height, in pixels

property value

The dial’s value.

property value_font

The font used for the value’s label.

property value_color

The font color used for the value’s label.

property dial_center

The (x,y) pixel location of the dial’s center of rotation.

property dial_radius

The length of the dial’s radius, in pixels.

property start_angle

The starting angle of the dial, in degrees.

property sweep_angle

The sweep angle of the dial, in degrees.

property anchor_point

The anchor point for positioning the widget, works in concert with anchored_position The relative (X,Y) position of the widget where the anchored_position is placed. For example (0.0, 0.0) is the Widget’s upper left corner, (0.5, 0.5) is the Widget’s center point, and (1.0, 1.0) is the Widget’s lower right corner.


anchor_point (Tuple[float, float]) – In relative units of the Widget size.

property anchored_position

The anchored position (in pixels) for positioning the widget, works in concert with anchor_point. The anchored_position is the x,y pixel position for the placement of the Widget’s anchor_point.


anchored_position (Tuple[int, int]) – The (x,y) pixel position for the anchored_position (in pixels).


Append a layer to the group. It will be drawn above other layers.

property bounding_box

The boundary of the widget. [x, y, width, height] in Widget’s local coordinates (in pixels). (getter only)


Tuple[int, int, int, int]

property height

The widget height, in pixels. (getter only)



property hidden

True when the Group and all of it’s layers are not visible. When False, the Group’s layers are visible if they haven’t been hidden.


Returns the index of the first copy of layer. Raises ValueError if not found.

insert(index, layer)

Insert a layer into the group.

pop(index=- 1)

Remove the ith item and return it.


Remove the first copy of layer. Raises ValueError if it is not present.

property scale

Scales each pixel within the Group in both directions. For example, when scale=2 each pixel will be represented by 2x2 pixels.


Update the parent transform and child transforms

property width

The widget width, in pixels. (getter only)



property x

X position of the Group in the parent.

property y

Y position of the Group in the parent.

displayio_dial.draw_ticks(target_bitmap, *, dial_center, dial_radius, tick_count, tick_stroke, tick_length, start_angle, sweep_angle, tick_color_index=2)

Helper function for drawing ticks on the dial widget. Can be used to customize the dial face.

  • target_bitmap (displayio.Bitmap) – Bitmap where ticks will be drawn into

  • dial_center ((int,int)) – the (x,y) pixel location in the bitmap of the dial’s center of rotation

  • dial_radius (int) – the radius of the dial (not including padding), in pixels

  • tick_count (int) – number of ticks to be drawn

  • tick_stroke (int) – the pixel width of the line used to draw the tick

  • start_angle (float) – starting angle of the dial, in degrees

  • sweep_angle (float) – total sweep angle of the dial, in degrees

  • tick_color_index (int) – the bitmap’s color index that should be used for drawing the tick marks

displayio_dial.draw_labels(target_bitmap, *, font, font_height, tick_labels, dial_center, dial_radius, start_angle, sweep_angle, rotate_labels=True, tick_label_scale=1.0)

Helper function for drawing text labels on the dial widget. Can be used to customize the dial face.

  • target_bitmap (displayio.Bitmap) – Bitmap where ticks will be drawn into

  • font (Font) – the font to be used to draw the tick mark text labels

  • font_height (int) – the height of the font, used for text placement

  • tick_labels (List[str]) – a list of strings for the tick text labels

  • dial_center ((int,int)) – the (x,y) pixel location in the bitmap of the dial’s center of rotation

  • dial_radius (int) – the radius of the dial (not including padding), in pixels

  • tick_count (int) – number of ticks to be drawn

  • tick_stroke (int) – the pixel width of the line used to draw the tick

  • start_angle (float) – starting angle of the dial, in degrees

  • sweep_angle (float) – total sweep angle of the dial, in degrees

  • rotate_labels (bool) – set to True if you want the label text to be rotated to align with the tick marks

  • tick_label_scale (float) – scale factor for the tick text labels, default is 1.0

Inheritance diagram of displayio_dial